Girl volunteer in the nursery for dogs. Shelter for stray dogs.



Want to Donate? Here’s How

To make a general donation or to make a donation to a specific cause or campaign, please click the corresponding buttons below.

If you would like to donate in honor or as a memorial of a person or pet, click the “Honor or Memorial Donation” button below.



Monetary donations, food donations, and supply donations are always appreciated. You can drop donations off at the shelter during business hours (12330 Eagles Nest Rd., Berlin, MD), or mail your donation to us: P.O. Box 48 Berlin, MD 21811.

We are always in need of coupons to help with the costs of supplies – food, paper products, dish and laundry detergent, bleach, etc.  Coupons may be dropped off at the shelter, or mailed to our post office box, listed above.  Please view our needs list, under “Ways to Help”.

We also collect aluminum cans – soda or beer cans only.  Please drop cans off at the shelter.

WCHS Needs List