Girl volunteer in the nursery for dogs. Shelter for stray dogs.


Volunteer Opportunities: 

Please fill out the volunteer form and submit it to us. Volunteers are always welcome, needed, and appreciated, both at the shelter and our thrift store. Additionally, volunteers serve on the Ways & Means Committee, our fundraising committee.

Student Service-Learning Hours:

Effective 8/25/19, the Worcester County Humane Society is accepting students on a very limited basis for service-learning hours. We are only accepting students who are motivated and recommended based on the below requirements.

· Students must be at least 16 years of age, have a GPA of at least a B (3.0 out of 4.0), and obtain a letter of recommendation from their guidance counselor verifying the above.
· Hours will be scheduled by WCHS, and spaced out.
· Cell phones are not permitted and must be put away while at the humane society.
· Parents or guardians may not contact us to make arrangements; students must make their own arrangements.

If a student performs unsatisfactorily, they will be excused from our service-learning program.  Court-Ordered Community Service: We only accept convictions/probation before judgment rulings for very limited, minor-in-nature crimes. Please contact us directly to find out your individual eligibility. Persons ordered to a sentence of community service must make their own arrangements. We will not speak with others. Subjects must provide any and all court paperwork, including charges, sentences, amount of community service hours to be completed, the due date of completion, and the court/entity to notify upon completion of hours.



Download Waiver Release Form (Adults)

Download Waiver Release Form (Minors)